Reducing Speed to Avoid Accidents

Speeding on the road is a dangerous habit to get into, especially if you are a commercial truck driver. The way these vehicles are designed does not allow for high speed driving. If some of your truckers have a need for speed, it is important to tell them why they should refrain from traveling so fast for their own safety and that of others.

As an owner operator, it is important to have time management skills. Making sure your vehicles and cargo leaves and arrives to the customer on time is crucial not only to your business, but the safety of your drivers. If they feel rushed, they will be more likely to speed. However, if some of your employees still have trouble slowing down, here are some tips you can give them to follow the rules of the road and avoid accidents:

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  • When coming upon highway construction, stay alert and slow down.
  • Avoid aggressive drivers and remember to keep your distance and maintain a safe speed.
  • When going around a curve at an excessive speed, a commercial truck will roll over. Therefore, reduce speed before entering curve.
  • Ensure that cargo loads are secured so they don’t fall off.
  • Stay off the shoulder in curves to reduce your chance of a rollover.
  • Slow down if you come upon unfamiliar roads.

At Jeffers Insurance, we hope these tips help your entire company reduce the need for speed. Even a simple turn could result in a serious accident if you are going over 65 mph in a large commercial truck. If you are concerned that other influences may harm your trucks, employees, or cargo, you should invest in our physical damage coverage. Physical damage losses can cause more financial hardship for a trucker than any other type of loss. This is why we offer you superior coverage and responsive services.
